Preview of April Care Compare refresh now available

Preview of April Care Compare refresh now available
A preview of the April refresh of Care Compare, with two new OASIS-based measures for home health public reporting, has been made available to home health providers by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Care Compare is the public comparison tool on the website which displays publicly reported information such as agency star ratings and patient survey results. CMS refreshes the site quarterly, and last updated it on Jan. 19. Care Compare will next be refreshed in April.
Preview reports and star ratings for the April refresh are available now in iQIES, the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System which houses survey and certification information as well as other provider data for CMS.
Two new OASIS-based measures for home health will be added for the first time with the April refresh. They are:
- Percent of Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury
- Application of Percent of Long-Term Care Hospital Patients with an Admission and Discharge Functional Assessment and a Care Plan that Addresses Function