CMS Expanded HHVBP Model: April 2023 PIPR Available in iQIES

CMS Expanded HHVBP Model: April 2023 PIPR Available in iQIES
The April 2023 Pre-Implementation Performance Report (PIPR) is available to download from the Internet Quality Improvement Evaluation System (iQIES). Instructions on how to access the PIPR are available on the Expanded HHVBP Model webpage under “Model Reports.” The PIPR includes data on OASIS assessments and their role in the HHVBP Model. This information can now be accessed (OASIS-based measure) for the 12 months ending 12/31/22 and Claims and Survey-based measures for the 12 months ending 9/30/22. Keep reading for the three key takeaways your agency needs to know from the updated PIPR.
3 Key Takeaways from the Updated PIPR What You Need to Know
- OASIS-based measures contain all CY 2022 data. Compare these scores to your YTD scores on these measures. This will help provide an estimate of your improvement points.
- Claims-based and Survey-based measures include 3 quarters of CY 2022 data. This will give a good idea of what you need to improve to earn improvement points.
- As in previous releases, review your percentile ranking. If in the 50th percentile or above, you are likely to earn achievement points if you maintain that score for CY 2023. The higher your percentile ranking, the more points you are likely to earn and the greater likelihood of positive payment adjustment
Need Help Understanding your PIPR?
We get common questions surrounding the new PIPR report, especially including VBP, like: “How will VBP affect my agency’s reimbursement? Will we see an increase or a decrease?” Read our most recent blog on the topic, as we explain why it depends on your performance metrics on each of the VBP measures. Learn more about Value-Based Purchasing and how we can help.
PIPRs also provide a comparison of home health agencies nationally within peer cohorts and offer a preview of where each agency’s performance may fall in relation to the new baseline year of CY 2022. By analyzing the PIPR, can identify areas where OASIS data can be improved and how it can be leveraged to improve patient care and outcomes.
If you’d like to see a step-by-step ‘how to’, watch as SimiTree Senior Clinical Consulting Manager Charles Breznicky Jr. RN, MSN, MBA shares in this 30-minute complimentary webinar recording how to walk through the new PIPR, explaining where to find it, how to use it, and why it is so important for agencies to heed the PIPR’s call to action where it shows a need for improvement.
Need Help Accessing Your PIPR? Download Your PIPR Now Through iQIES
CMS has shared that PIPRs are available for download from the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES). Keep reading for more instructions.
Should you need to register as an iQIES user, experience difficulty locating the HHVBP file, or experience difficulty downloading the PIPR, please contact the iQIES Service Center?at 1-800-339-9313, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM-8:00 PM ET, or by email.?To create a ticket online or track an existing ticket, please go to CCSQ Support Central.
Please note, the iQIES Service Center is projecting an increase in the volume of calls and emails between now and May 15, 2023. Due to the anticipated increase in volume at the CCSQ Service Center and to minimize a backlog, please use only one (1) method of reporting for the same issue (phone, email, or CCSQ Support Central).
Please include your name, agency name, and the CCN when contacting the help desks.
Locating the PIPR in iQIES
Here is how to access your PIPR in iQIES, per CMS.
- Log into iQIES at
- Select the My Reports option from the Reports
- From the My Reports page, select the HHA Provider Preview Reports
- Select the HHVBP file to view the desired report. To quickly locate the most recently published report, select the down arrow adjacent to the Created Date label at the top of the table. This will order the reports in the folder from newest to oldest.
- Select the file name link and the contents of the file will display.
How SimiTree Can Help
Let’s work together to improve the health of your organization. At SimiTree, we balance financial expertise and clinical excellence to help our clients grow. Learn more about our value-based purchasing consulting or OASIS outsourcing on our website under ‘Services/Solutions’.
Want to talk to an expert today? Call us at 1.800.949.0388 or complete the form below.
Additional Resources from CMS
To assist HHAs in understanding the purpose, content, and use of the PIPRs, the HHVBP TA Team created an on-demand video and downloadable resource, “Introduction to the Pre-Implementation Performance Report (PIPR)”, available on the Expanded HHVBP Model webpage under “Model Reports.” The video is also available on the Expanded HHVBP Model YouTube channel.