
4 Job Seeking Tips to Land Your Dream Job from SimiTree’s Ryan Mattson, Director of Recruiting, Talent Solutions

Looking for a new job can be a daunting task. There are so many factors to consider, from your resume and cover letter to your interview skills. But don't worry, we're here to help! In this blog post, SimiTree’s Ryan Mattson, Director of Recruiting, Talent Solutions, shares four simple tips that will help you land your dream job.  


Tip 1: Track Your Career Search 


Searching for a new job can take weeks and even months. After a while, all the resumes uploaded, applications filled out, screens & interviews completed, and rejections or even non-responses, can run together.  

Consider tracking the process – the date you applied to which position, what company, what version of your resume you sent, what response you were given (if any), dates you interviewed (with who), and the eventual outcome. This will stop you from going over ground you already covered, help you follow up at timely intervals, or more accurately discuss your search history with a recruiter. 


Tip 2: Interview Best Practices and Etiquette: Virtual and In-Person!


If you are traveling to an in-person interview: 

If you are traveling to an on-site interview, leave early to be early! Review your route and alternatives in the event of an accident or disruption. If you arrive substantially early, you’ll have some time to relax and collect your thoughts. That peace of mind should alleviate some stress and hopefully relax you for the interview.  

Just finding the building is not enough – make sure you understand the exact location of the office, its distance from parking, and any parking requirements beforehand. Have the hiring manager or office number at hand in the event of a delay or a question so you can call them. If there is an issue, it reflects much better on you if you are proactive as opposed to explaining tardiness after the fact! 


If you are attending a virtual interview: 

Log on at LEAST five minutes early. Arriving early shows that you are professional and prepared. It also gives you time to test your equipment and make sure that you are in a quiet, well-lit space. Here are some tips for being early for a video interview: 

  • Confirm the time and date of your interview. Make sure that you know exactly when and where your interview is scheduled. 
  • Test your equipment. Make sure that your computer, microphone, and camera are working properly. 
  • Find a quiet, well-lit space. Choose a place where you will not be interrupted and where you can be seen and heard clearly. 
  • Arrive 10-15 minutes early. This will give you time to relax and collect your thoughts before the interview starts. 

Tip 3: Social Media and Your Career Search 


During a job search process, consider your Social Media presence. This includes LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Tik Tok. Public accounts can and may be reviewed by a prospective employer. It would be wise to limit/remove inappropriate/negative content.  

However, it is not recommended to erase your entire social media presence which can be construed as having something to hide as there will often be remnants remaining on the internet. Studies show that employers aren’t typically checking for damaging information as much as they are looking to get a feel for the person behind the professional! Use your social media to represent your best self and to your advantage.  


Tip 4: Giving Thanks! 


A simple gesture that can go a long way is sending a “Thank You” note to the hiring manager following an interview. In a competitive hiring process, this could be what sets candidates that are otherwise equal, apart. You can express your gratitude for their time and consideration while reinforcing your interest in the job and continuing the process.  

It may also be an opportunity to touch upon any relevant comments that came to you after the interview or to address any perceived weaknesses. That said, keep it brief and to the point. Often the best policy is less is more. 


How SimiTree Can Help 

Following these four simple tips can help you land your dream job. So, what are you waiting for? Start applying today! If you are seeking a job in the healthcare space, looking to fill an interim role, or interested in our executive recruiting services, speak with a SimiTree Talent Solutions expert today!  


Call 1.800.949.0388 or fill out our contact form below 


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