
Ryan Mattson's Tips - A Simple Tip for the Job Seeker: Resume Basics!

In the competitive world of healthcare, a well-crafted resume is essential for making a strong first impression and landing your dream job. As a leading healthcare recruiting firm, we at SimiTree understand the importance of a compelling resume that showcases your skills and experience. That's why we're here to provide you with some simple tips for creating a resume that will help you stand out from the crowd. 


Keep It Simple and Easy to Read 

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, hiring managers often have limited time to review resumes. That's why it's crucial to keep your resume simple, easy to read, and concise.  

Use a consistent font throughout, typically 11- or 12-point font, and bold your name and headings. Avoid adding unnecessary spaces or formatting that makes the resume more than two to three pages. Bullet points can make your resume more digestible, however, avoid overdoing it – stay within single digits. Never upload or apply with a scan or “picture” of your resume as automated search and scan functions have difficulty with these formats. A Word or PDF version is best.  


Highlight Your Most Recent Experience 

A professional summary is a good place to start, highlighting your overall experience and qualifications. When listing your specific work experience, start with your most recent position and work backwards, making sure to include dates. This will allow hiring managers to quickly see your most relevant experience. However, consider leaving off very outdated entry-level experience that may not be as relevant to the positions you're applying for. 


Consolidate Experience at the Same Company 

If you've held multiple positions at the same company, don't list them as separate entries. Instead, use subheadings to show your longevity with the organization.  

This will demonstrate your commitment to the healthcare industry and your ability to grow within a company. 


Quantify Your Accomplishments 

Don't just list your responsibilities; quantify your accomplishments whenever possible. Use numbers, statistics, and percentages to show the impact you've had in your previous roles.  

For example, instead of simply saying "Managed a team of nurses," say "Managed a team of 10 nurses, resulting in a 15% decrease in patient turnover rates." 


Tailor Your Resume to the Job 

Take the time to tailor your resume to each specific job you apply for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position and use keywords from the job posting throughout your resume. This will increase your chances of getting noticed by the hiring manager. Education, licenses, and certifications are particularly important qualifications for healthcare roles. Be sure to list them out in their own section!  


Proofread Carefully 

Before submitting your resume, proofread it carefully for any grammatical or spelling errors. A typo-ridden resume will make you look unprofessional and sloppy. This could make or break you reaching the interview phase. 

One error and the employer could move on to the next candidate who doesn’t have a spelling error!  


Treat Your LinkedIn Profile as a Living Resume 

Your LinkedIn profile serves as an extension of your resume, providing a dynamic platform to showcase your professional accomplishments and career trajectory. Consider your LinkedIn profile as a living resume, constantly updating it to reflect your latest achievements, skills, and experiences. 

  • Regular Profile Updates: Make it a habit to regularly update your LinkedIn profile, adding new projects, certifications, and relevant coursework. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. While your profile may not be an exact copy of your resume, make sure places of employment, dates, and titles are consistent.  
  • Engaging Content Sharing: Share relevant industry news, articles, and insights on your LinkedIn feed, positioning yourself as a thought leader in your field. Active engagement with your network can enhance your reputation and attract the attention of potential employers. 
  • Strategic Keyword Integration: Incorporate job-related keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile, including your headline, summary, and experience sections. This will help your profile appear in relevant search results, increasing your visibility to recruiters and hiring managers. 


SimiTree is Here to Help 

At SimiTree, we're committed to helping healthcare professionals find their dream jobs. We offer a variety of services to help you with your job search, including resume review and coaching. We can also help you connect with top healthcare employers in your field. 

In addition to our paid services, we also offer a free resume review service. Simply upload your resume to our website, and one of our experienced recruiters will review it and provide you with feedback. 

We are here to help candidates! Reach out today for a 100% confidential conversation. Email: rmattson@simitreehc.com.

Here's why you should work with SimiTree: 

  • Fastest Job Journey 
  • Exclusive Access to Unlisted Positions 
  • Better Compensation 
  • Our Industry Experience Sets Us Apart
  • Interim Leadership 


Complimentary Resume Assistance 

We'll help you build a dynamic resume, and we will review your current resume for free! Learn more by submitting a contact us form today: Expert Home Healthcare Consulting Services: Request a Quote » SimiTree (simitreehc.com)  

Confidentially Inquire About Interim Jobs: Email wregan@simitreehc.com  

Search Permanent Jobs: Candidate Portal (jobdiva.com) 


Read past Talent Tips: 

4 Job Seeking Tips to Land Your Dream Job from SimiTree’s Ryan Mattson, Director of Recruiting, Talent Solutions 

Cracking the Hidden Job Market with 4 Tips from SimiTree’s Ryan Mattson, Director of Recruiting, Talent Solutions 

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