SimiTree determines hospice cap liabilities and risks while helping to build healthy buffers.

Hospice providers are required to self-report their aggregate hospice cap liability each fiscal year and pay back CMS for any excess.

SimiTree offers a variety of specialized services designed to make the process easier for providers to determine and report cap liability, set in place admitting and referral policies designed to reduce ongoing liability and select the best repayment option for any overpayments.

The experts at SimiTree also work with buyers and sellers to perform all due diligence related to hospice transactions.

Mark Romano Associate Principal, Mergers & Acquisitions SimiTree

“It’s important to be proactive in monitoring hospice resources and operations to avoid exceeding the cap.”

Associate Principal Mark Romano

20 years of industry experience

SimiTree helps providers determine liability.

SimiTree works with hospice providers to put in place proactive measures for regular assessment and evaluation of beneficiary count and patient care days. Clinical, operational and financial experts scrutinize patient mix, admission trends, referrals and other areas to determine where adjustments and reallocation can reduce liability. Then providers are assisted as they put into place any necessary changes to develop a healthy buffer between actual reimbursement and the aggregate cap amount.

SimiTree helps buyers and sellers determine risk.

The SimiTree hospice cap due diligence team is made up of financial and clinical experts who examine hospice financial statements, medical records, patient mix, admission and referral patterns and more to assess and report the risk associated with the transaction.

Services include:

  • Hospice Cap Due Diligence
  • Hospice Aggregate Cap Reporting
  • Hospice Cap Liability Assessment
  • Development and Implementation of Plan to Minimize Liability
  • Intake Staff Training
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SimiTree transforms businesses.

At SimiTree, every solution is a strength. Clinical, financial and operational expertise uniquely positions SimiTree to deliver top-notch services and approaches to help clients grow stronger and healthier overall.

SimiTree experts understand the impact of patient mix and referral patterns on a provider’s hospice cap liability and can help your organization reduce cap liability while increasing quality, growth and profitability.

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